Empowering Young Minds: The Thriving World of STEM Competitions
06 Jan 2025
DoD STEM Ambassador Lora Gibbons Shares How STEM Competitions Can Motivate Students in the Classroom
One of the most exhilarating aspects of being an educator is guiding students through their transformative learning journey while shaping them to become the problem solvers of tomorrow. STEM competitions can ignite student curiosity and immerse them in learning expeditions filled with boundless possibilities.
The following was written by Lora Gibbons, a middle school science teacher and DoD STEM Ambassador. DoD STEM Ambassadors work with the Defense STEM Education Consortium (DSEC) to advance STEM outreach for students who are underrepresented in STEM or military connected. Gibbons was selected by the Army Education Outreach Program as their DoD STEM Ambassador for the 2023-2024 school year.
After more than 20 years in education, I have found that the key to learning is getting kids excited about solving problems. I’ve seen it again and again: creative ideas fuel innovation and push us forward! When students are offered ways to learn that are not limited solely to reading a lesson, they will roll up their sleeves and dive right in. Trust me, the real learning magic happens when students are compelled to hop out of their seats and participate. During the past nine years I've coached many competitive STEM teams, and I’d like to share what I’ve learned through these experiences about facilitating student-driven learning. I hope these stories are as inspiring for you as they are for me.
My favorite competition is eCYBERMISSION, sponsored by the Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP). eCYBERMISSION is a testament to the power of collaborative problem-solving. Teams of sixth through ninth grade students identify local or global issues and develop solutions using STEM principles. This competition fosters critical thinking and innovation and instills a sense of civic responsibility as participants address pressing community challenges. I have coached five teams who have reached the national finals during the past 8 years, so I can attest that this competition is hard work—but the payoff is immense.
One student team chose to address the issue of E. coli by researching bacteriophages as a method to both detect contamination and treat affected produce. This successful project won the ninth-grade national competition. We didn’t anticipate that attending eCYBERMISSION’s National Judging and Education Event in Washington, D.C., would have such a positive impact on our team. It was a thrill for our team to compete against other five-person student teams from across the country. One student from my team stayed friends with a student from across the country, and 3 years later she was invited to his prom!
Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
The Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) is a long-standing DoD STEM-supported competition that encourages high school students to delve into scientific research and share their findings with peers and experts. By providing a platform for presentation and discussion, JSHS nurtures communication skills and exposes students to the rigors of scientific inquiry. Finalists compete at regional and national levels, further honing their abilities and expanding their horizons.
ExploraVision Science Competition
I have tackled this competition only one time, and although we didn't achieve an award, our team was enriched by the many opportunities for collaboration and success. ExploraVision takes a unique approach by challenging students to envision future technologies. Teams are asked to research current scientific advancements and propose innovative solutions to address global issues. ExploraVision encourages creativity and forward-thinking and seeks to equip generations of young visionaries to tackle tomorrow’s challenges with ingenuity and optimism. What I love most about ExploraVision is that winners cannot compete together more than once, which prevents the same teams from winning year after year.
Thomas Edison Pitch Contest
If you are looking for a competition that supplies a maker kit to get students engaged, consider the Thomas Edison Pitch Contest, which celebrates entrepreneurship and innovation and invites students to develop and pitch new business ideas. Participants create a pitch video and submit their design notebook. By merging STEM with entrepreneurship, this competition empowers students to transform their ideas into tangible solutions with real-world impact.
Slingshot Challenge and World of 8 Billion Video Contest
Two more low-stakes video contests are the World of 8 Billion video contest Slingshot Challenge. The World of 8 Billion competition bridges STEM with environmental awareness where students explore global population issues and propose solutions to address population growth and its implications on resources, sustainability, and quality of life. The National Geographic Slingshot Challenge asks students to use video to showcase their solutions for pressing environmental issues.
STEM competitions are a hidden gem in STEM education. I have witnessed my students transform as they make connections with other like-minded students. One of my students who started out with limited interest and experience in the STEM disciplines received a paid research opportunity in higher education as a result of her high school research project! Another student, who was homeschooled, shared how traveling to Washington, D.C., and making connections with other students changed her life. Time and again, I see the value for students in these competitions. If you’ve debated whether the time is now, I encourage you to take the initiative. Find three or four students willing to experiment with you. I promise that you and your students will benefit and thrive by experiencing the world of STEM competitions!
About DoD STEM and Defense STEM Education Consortium
Defense STEM Education Consortium (DSEC) is a collaborative partnership of STEM-focused organizations dedicated to addressing and prioritizing our nation's STEM talent. DSEC aims to broaden STEM literacy and develop a diverse and agile workforce with the technical excellence to defend our nation. Through strategic investment in STEM education and outreach activities, the effort will provide students with more exposure to educational and career opportunities as well as DoD research. DSEC is led on behalf of DoD STEM by RTI International.