Introducing DoD STEM students, alumni, educators, professionals, and mentors.

Meet some of DoD STEM Alumni and Professionals who are making impacts through the STEM fields in our communities, and even the world!

From a student in Kentucky who wondered how planes fly to an intern in California who wanted to “work on ground-breaking technologies that could change the course of history,” DoD STEM, its partner programs and affiliates offer the perfect platform for motivated individuals to explore a dream career.

Explore video interviews and articles about people from a broad cross-section of America who all have one thing in common: their curiosity has led them to study or build a career in STEM.

Meet STEM Professionals and Alumni


researchers who have received Nobel Prizes were supported by the DoD.

There are nearly


DoD STEM Professionals.
Dr. Abigail Juhl
Dr. Abigail Juhl
Materials Research Engineer, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory
Dr. Bryn Adams
Dr. Bryn Adams
Synthetic Biologist and Environmental Microbiologist, DEVCOM, Army Research Laboratory