Scientists and engineers work across a wide range of career pathways throughout the STEM fields including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics, robotics, computer science and more. Explore the different types of STEM careers here and see what kind of opportunities might ignite your curiosity!

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STEM Careers at the Department of Defense

The Department of Defense (DoD) provides opportunities for students, parents, educators, and its workforce to use creativity and skills to accelerate innovation in leading-edge technologies.

Discovery & Innovation at DoD

The DoD cultivates a collaborative environment where its workforce leads the DoD’s modernization efforts in advanced manufacturing, robotics, artificial intelligence, biotechnology and more.

Meet Innovators From Across the DoD

DoD Civilian Careers

There are people who work for the DoD that do not serve in the military. They are called “civilians” (also known as nonmilitary government employees). Many serve in their roles as innovators and problem-solvers of real-world challenges.

Learn More About DoD Civilian Careers

DoD Mentorship

Over 150,000 scientists and engineers working at the DoD serve as mentors each year to students and the current workforce. Many of these mentors do so outside of their assigned roles and responsibilities. The reason? To inspire and encourage the current and future generation of leaders in STEM fields.

View Opportunities for Educators and Volunteers
Visit the DoD Mentoring Resource Portal

There are nearly300,000professionals working in STEM fields across the DoD.
More than80%of jobs will require STEM skills over the next decade.
Over800,000students participate in DoD programs annually.

What Can You Do with a Career in STEM?