DoD STEM is committed to providing STEM education, outreach, and workforce development opportunities to students of all ages and educators throughout the country.

DoD is committed to establishing a continuous learning structure that leverages and scales evidence-based practices across DoD STEM ecosystems; reporting participation rates; using common metrics to measure progress and encourage growth; ensuring program performance and outcomes are made publicly available; spearheading a DoD-wide implementation plan; and tracking progress.

DoD STEM Makes a Difference

DoD has a robust portfolio of STEM education, outreach, and workforce development programs and activities that cover pre-kindergarten students through adult learners. These programs and activities are vital to the success of DoD.


DoD Scientists and Engineers (S&E) volunteers

DoD S&E volunteers who participate as mentors, role models, and speakers as well as in other capacities provide meaningful and powerful connections to DoD STEM careers and opportunities. S&E volunteers provide insights into the areas of interest relevant to their role in the Defense enterprise.

world map

Programming in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the United States territories of Puerto Rico and Guam.

Several international programs also reach the DoD Education Activity regions of the Americas, Europe and the Pacific.

Blend of Participants and Audiences

Developing and supporting pathways for students and educators to engage in meaningful STEM experiences is necessary for achieving the DoD STEM mission, which is “to create a talent pool with minds for innovation and the technical agility to sustain DoD’s competitive edge.”

“I can honestly say my passion for STEM and for outreach to young girls originated from my MATHCOUNTS experience…It sparked my passion for math, and ultimately the rest of my STEM pursuits throughout high school and beyond.”
- Lauren C., Student Competitor in MATHCOUNTS, a Defense STEM Education Consortium Partner

Blend of Activity

The breadth of the program offerings is supported by research that indicates the importance of providing STEM programming for all ages of learners using varied methods.


Activities that support formal, classroom-based, or informal education.


Students work with mentors in a research environment where they gain experience and skills on a temporary basis (e.g., summer, holidays, part time).


Activities that promote interest in and knowledge of STEM opportunities that promote or increase familiarity with DoD. This includes expanding awareness through marketing efforts.


Students may compete in activities for recognition or rewards (e.g., scholarship, financial award).

Hands-on Activities

Instructional approaches involving direct experience with natural phenomena, or educational experiences where students manipulate objects to gain knowledge or understanding; doing science as opposed to simply hearing or reading about it.

Teacher Trainings

Educators, mostly K–12, are the target group for workshops, training, or other activities to ensure that educators have the tools and knowledge necessary to develop and implement STEM education.

Scholarships and Fellowships

Students are financially supported in their pursuit of higher education; may involve service in return.